Mass Media

Media guide: how to showcase your pub and drive sales

Ei launches PR guide for publicans to help 'drive sales'

By Georgina Townshend

Ei Publican Partnership has launched a “how to PR your pub” guide to help its licensees showcase their pubs in the media to help "drive sales by promoting their business to new and existing customers".

Legal tips: How to deal with negative press about your pub

Legal tips: How to deal with negative press about your pub

I am constantly amazed at the ever-increasing power that consumers have over the reputation of businesses in the hospitality sector. I was reminded of this a few weeks ago when I heard that a restaurateur was suing a blogger for remarks made online.

Legal: The danger of social media in pub licence reviews

Legal: The danger of social media in pub licence reviews

By Jonathan Smith

Any follower of social media may have noticed in recent months the growth of public sector bodies (in particular police and local authorities) using social media forums to disseminate information and express their views. As an operator, even if you are...

Pring: Pubcos must join debate

Pring: Pubcos must join debate

By Andrew Pring

MA editor Andrew Pring says it's high-time the pubcos joined the debate on the hard times ahead for the industry. "If you've had time to read any...